söndag 4 september 2005

Part of Krakow Days of Homo Cultre & Tolerance:

May 10, 2004

2nd Official Rainbow Visit to Nazi Concentration Camp Auschwitz

Auschwitz -- Following the Warsaw 'moonrise' and part of
Krakow's Days of Homo Culture and Tolerance", a Polish-Swedish led
international delegation visited the infamous Nazi death camp on May 7 -- making speeches honouring all victims of oppression - including the often forgotten lesbians and gays.

In sharp contrast to the denouncements of the Krakow event coming
even from the mayor's office itself, the large wreath of flowers
presented by the Krakow branch of the Polish Campaign Against Homophobia and ILGCN-Nordic were sponsored by the Polish prime minister himself.

The museum director also received a diploma with the words "Beaten
to Death, Silenced to Death," (from the pioneering monument set up by HOSI-Linz in the Mauthausen camp) -- including a photo by Sweden's Willi Reichhold.

'Orfeo Iris' Award Earlier Honored Auschwitz Information

The director had 4 years earlier welcomed the first international
homo delegation during the ILGCN world homo culture conference in
Warsaw, also then receiving Danish and Finnish homo art and the 'Orfeo Iris' award for focusing attention on homosexual prisoners - earning praise and denoucements from the press and right wing media and parliamentarians.

This year's Ofeo Iris award will be announced at the Stockhom
Moonbow festival July 30-August 1. The ceremony in Auschwitz took place only hours before the "Rainbow Battle of Krakow" broke out (see separate press release).