http://www.tupilak.se/ info@tupilak.se
Box 2315
S-103 17 Stockholm, Sweden
post giro: 498 37 67 - 7
Member of the Nordic Rainbow Council & ILGCN
(International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)
PRESS RELEASE February 27, 2007
2007 Cabarets, Art Exhibits, Film Screenings, Seminars:
Stockholm – The newly-elected Tupilak steering committee and Nordic contact network (see website) plans a series of rainbow and moonbow cultural events in Sweden, in the Nordic region and beyond during the coming year – especially with colleagues on the barricades under attack in the Eastern Baltic and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.
”Our Nordic priorities this year will be in solidarity with a Riga still fighting to lift the ban on its Pride, Vilnius facing intensifying hostility from the church and parliament, pioneering Nordic events in the Faeroe Islands with its brand-new anti-discrimination legislation and the Åland Islands, and a return of Nordic rainbow flags to the giant Gothenburg Book Fair – the biggest cultural event in the Nordic area,” says the new chairman, Bill Schiller.
”Our efforts in Eastern Europe this year will be to strengthen our rainbow bridges to Warsaw, St. Petersburg and Bucharest, hopefully initiate projects in Istanbul and support ”events in exile” with our badly-harassed colleagues in Eastern Europe’s last dictatorship – Belarus,” Schiller adds. ”We hope new members in Sweden and throughout the Nordic region will want to join us in these new efforts to work together
to use rainbow culture at a weapon against homophobia and silence both at home and abroad.”
More Moonbows over Stockholm in 2007
Stockholm events are to include the annual Moonbow cultural festival with cabaret performances, music and dance, art and photo exhibits, a series of seminars about Nordic rainbows cultural co-operation spanning the Baltic Sea and beyond, the Nordic short film festival, and a series of informal, cultural get-together with Swedish and visiting cultural personalities.
Tupilak also pledges to send representatives to the annual sessions of the Nordic Rainbow Council and the Nordic Rainbow Humanists – this year both taking place on May 18 as part of the first stage of the ILGCN’s (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) world cultural conference in the Lithuanian capital.

New Tupilak chairman (center) with
Belarus and Latvian colleagues.