(International Day Against Homophobia) at Hallongrottan in Stockholm - joining colleagues carrying out demonstrations, cultural events, happenings, etc.
Special guest: Andrejs Visockis from Riga, on HIV/AIDS and films.
(Future *Rainbow Culture & HIV/AIDS* events with other groups in the planning.)
Visby - Nordic and Baltic Rainbow Co-operation July 6-12, 2008.
Tupilak members are welcome to take part in the discussions, stage presentations, art exhibit at the International Square.
Stockholm -- Nordic Co-operation on Baltic Barricades - July 18-19, 2008
Seminars, discussions, performances, film screenings, poetry, art/photo exhibit. Södra Teatern and other venues.
Tupilak members are welcome to join and help out!
Tupilak Art & Photo Exhibit - Gallery Kocks July 24-30, 2008.
(on the sidelines of Stockholm Pride)
(Nordic Tupilak artists interested in contributing? Contact info@tupilak.org .
Also to incude some works from the Travelling Tupilak/ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) Art & Photography Exhibition, just coming from Bucharest.
Stockholm -- Swedish-Romanian Rainbow Cuiltural Festival
Stockholm -- Winter Solstice Rainbow Cultural Festival